====== 1984 Porsche 944 ====== I traded my 1970 Ford F-100 pickup for this car back in 2007. It was a good trade! The truck was fun, and sounded great with dual glass packs behind a 360, but, 11 mpg meant I didn't drive it much. The 944 sips fuel in comparison, and is capable of 35 mpg (if I drive it around 60 mph nice and slow). The way it's meant to be driven though means I get around 25 mpg, lol. It is one of the best handling front engine, rear wheel drive cars of all time. I has a nearly 50/50 weight distribution thanks to the front engine/rear transaxle layout (similar to the newer corvettes). I have since blown the headgasket on this one. The cost of fixing, even doing the work myself, outweighed the value of the car. I sold it to a more ambitious enthusiast. I have instead procured a 1991 Porsche 94 S2 cabriolet as it's replacement, the pinnacle of this model, and the foundation for the 968. Here is some useful info: [[cars:944:tech:AirConditioning|Air Conditioning Info]]\\